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Rated 4.9/5 based on 1440+ customer reviews.

Prague specialist - since 1999. We are proud of more than 80 000 satisfied customers who traveled with our company!
93 % our guests would recommend us to a friend.



It was very good! Thanks for making it a perfect hummer transfer ;) Lulu made it a very special act. 

Take care!


Kind regards,


Tom, 21. 5. 2016

Good afternoon Barbora,


I just wanted to say thank you for the go karting, everything went really well and everyone enjoyed the day. The pick up was in time and the rep was really helpful and polite :)


Thanks very much :)



Michael , 18. 5. 2016

Hi Barbora,


I am great thanks, and you J


Thank you so much to you and the girls for a great weekend!!


We will be back



Robert, 9. 5. 2016

Hi Justýna !

Yep that was really great, we loved the activities (namely the tank !!!), and the city was amazing. We're all back in Paris, and we all thank you !

See you next time


Menuel Benoit, 9. 5. 2016



Thank you for making our Prague weekend even better than we hoped for! This was great fun.


Have a nice day :)

Kind regards,



Kenneth, 29. 4. 2016

Hi Justyna,


The pleasure was all mine . 


I think you should market a VIP package , for Prague weekends . This could be a high margin business for you . I will send it to my discerning friends here and all over the world .


You were great and I will keep in touch.


Warm regards ,



Bilal, 28. 4. 2016

Hi Barbora,


Thank you – everything went very well!


Best regards,



Rina, 26. 4. 2016

Hi Barbora, 


Thanks for your email and helping us out with organizing this. We enjoyed it very much, please also thank your colleagues who were our tourguides during the day and evening! 



Sander, 19. 4. 2016



We all had a fantastic weekend!


Thanks again



Steven , 19. 4. 2016

Thanks to you and all your team 

Trip was amazing as was the service you 

And your staff provided will highly recommend 

Your company to anyone I know who visit your 

Beautiful city 

Yours thanks fully 


Michael , 18. 4. 2016

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