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Rated 4.9/5 based on 1440+ customer reviews.

Prague specialist - since 1999. We are proud of more than 80 000 satisfied customers who traveled with our company!
93 % our guests would recommend us to a friend.

Dear Justyna, Thanks so much for reaching out again. We had a great time and will make sure to recommend you for our friends who will be visiting Prag!! Warmly,

  Viktoria, 19. 7. 2019

Hi Justyna, We had an amazing time, thank you so much. The lady who was looking after us was incredible - she gave us loads of advice in terms if places to go and was very patient with us when we took slightly longer to leave than we’d hoped. You’re very lucky to have her!! If we come back to Prague any time we’ll be sure to use you again, and I will be recommending you to all of my friends. Kind regards,

  Simon, 18. 7. 2019

Hi Justyna Thank you. I am well now :-). Yes, Prague was amazing. We really enjoyed it. We have to thank you! Every activities worked, which we booked about you (no delay, good transport, nice guides). I will recommend you to other people. I wish you a good time and see you in Prague :-) Best regards

  Thomas, 18. 7. 2019

Hello Barbora, I was meaning to email you. The experience was absolutely brilliant, it was perfect. Thank you so much for all of your help. The stag believed it fully and I would also like to really thank Alexandra. She was brilliant, she helped organise it on the night and played her act very very well. Thank you to the two policemen too and the dancer, it was a brilliant event and a highlight of the stag doo. Thank you

  Marc, 17. 7. 2019

Hello! Yes everything was very good! Give our guide our best wishes if you see her, she took great care of us. Best regards 

  Patrik, 16. 7. 2019

Hi Barbora, many thanks for the organization. Was really a lot of fun!!! And many thanks especially to Stephanika and Olga. They were really so nice and helpful!!!!!!!!! Best regards,

  Stefan, 16. 7. 2019

Hi Barbora, You guys were amazing - especially the fact that you were so flexible with the flight delays. We really appreciated that. Best regards,

  Constantin, 16. 7. 2019

Thank you Barbora, we had a great time! We'll definitely be back

  Mike, 9. 7. 2019

We had a great time. Everything was extremely well organised with your company so thank you for your help and to the guides. They were all great! 

  David, 9. 7. 2019

Hi Barbora, We had such a great time thanks a lot

  Anne, 8. 7. 2019

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