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Rated 4.9/5 based on 1440+ customer reviews.

Prague specialist - since 1999. We are proud of more than 80 000 satisfied customers who traveled with our company!
93 % our guests would recommend us to a friend.

Thank you so much for everything, we had a great time, the guys are still suffering! Ha ha.

I am so happy with everything and will be visiting Prague again soon.

Kam, 23. 2. 2015

Were fantastic.

Very good planning and nice staff from your side.

Got to see much of Prague in short time.


Everybody says that we need to go back in the summer. When it is a little bit warmer

Stian, 23. 2. 2015

I would like to thank you and Prague Weekends on behalf of me and the whole stag party!
Everyone had a fantastic time and loved every event. In particular the Stag arrest was very well organised and a lot of credit must go to the Policemen!
Thank you again,

Ryan Brown, 23. 1. 2015

We thank you for all the services that made the trip an amazing one for us. Everything was perfect especially our guides at the limo and bar crawling Bara and Bara were really friendly and lovely. 

So once again thank you and the other girls for everything and for sure we will visit again. 

Take care


Burak, 24. 11. 2014

In relation to our stay from the moment we were picked up by Justyna in the airport to the moment we got dropped back to the airport it was excellent.

Room was perfect and spacious and in a good location. Activities were excellent especially the shooting. As for the lesbian boat ride well that speaks for itself haha J

Very good time and I will recommend it to friends to go there for a stag party.

Jonathan, 20. 11. 2014

Our trip was epic and the tank ride made it legendary.

Thanks for all your support...You guys are doing a massively brilliant job.

Special thanks to Michael, that guy is a Rockstar and super nice. Eva is probably the best tour guide in Prague and thanks for arranging the tour at such a last moment. God super bless Prague Weekends - You are the best. We'll be seeing u soon.

Abhishek, 17. 11. 2014

Thank you very much for the weekend.

We were very happy with the activities for the weekend and the service we received. I think we felt anything was out of place, as the people that took care of us were all very professional and service minded. 

One thing I would create as an alternative is a bit higher quality on the transportation, although very suitable for us, I would have preferred an upgrade alternative to a bit better and more spacious cars, but thats about it. 

Will definitively recommend you to any of my contacts going to Prague in the future. 

Hakon, 7. 11. 2014

Thank you very much we had a great time and your service was brilliant I would recommend you to my friends tat wish to go to prague thanks again

Keith, 29. 10. 2014

everything was very good. The guide was always on time and friendly.

The segway tour was fun with enthusiastic and friendly guides. The same with the boat-trip.

Dag, 29. 10. 2014

Thank you for the great time. It has taken 4 days to recover from the trip, which is a testament to how great it was.

A special thanks to you for organising this and to Barbara and Ondrej for being there throughout the day. 

Rakesh, 17. 10. 2014

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