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Rated 4.9/5 based on 1440+ customer reviews.

Prague specialist - since 1999. We are proud of more than 80 000 satisfied customers who traveled with our company!
93 % our guests would recommend us to a friend.

Hi Barbora, 


The weekend was excellent, thank you so much for all your help,


Kind regards, 



Jack, 30. 8. 2016



Prague is amazing and with your company's help made it even better.




Amex, 30. 8. 2016

Dear Justyna,


We had a great weekend in Prague, thank you. Everything you had arranged went smoothly and the guides were helpful and professional. Please send a special thanks to Magdalena for taking us to some good clubs on Friday night!


Kind regards,


Andreas, 24. 8. 2016

Hi Babora,


Thank you and your team for helping to plan a great weekend in Prague. We all enjoyed the weekend and would be using your services the next time around.



Kerron, 22. 8. 2016

Hi Justyna


We all had a really great weekend and everything you provided was perfect!


All the guys want to say thank you for your efforts and for making a very memorable stag weekend.


Many thanks


Richard, 16. 8. 2016

Dear Barbora,

Still enjoying the aftermath of a perfect weekend. Thanks a lot!

Best wishes,


Jasper, 11. 8. 2016

Dear Barbora,


Thank you for everything. It was awesome.


I'll recommend your services to my friends.


Kind regards,


Serge, 10. 8. 2016

Dear Barbora,


thanks a lot for the awesome weekend.

The whole group enjoied Prague a lot and also your organization.
Our guide (Kathy) did a really perfect job! :)

Definitely worth to recommend you.

Best regards from Munich


Andreas, 8. 8. 2016

Dear Barbora


Thank you so much we all (especially the bride) absolutely loved it!


Please thank our guide, i didnt catch his name but he was great. 


Thank you for all your help. 


Kind regards 



Christina, 8. 8. 2016

Hi Barbora,


The weekend was excellent, thank you so much for everything that you arranged for us, it was all brilliant.


Kind regards,


Andrew, 2. 8. 2016

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