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Rated 4.9/5 based on 1440+ customer reviews.

Prague specialist - since 1999. We are proud of more than 80 000 satisfied customers who traveled with our company!
93 % our guests would recommend us to a friend.

Hi Barbora,


Yes everything was great, thanks to you and your team's efforts. We have enjoyed all the good stuff that Prague has to offer, and we will not easily forget what we have seen and done.  


All the best,


Piet, 23. 11. 2015

Barbora thank you very much for organising everything for me..

We had a brilliant weekend and Andrew or guide was such a lovely fella and looked after us very well.. Thanks you :)



Cara, 23. 11. 2015

We all enjoyed and had a fantastic weekend. Thanks a lot for your service! 



Sverre, 2. 11. 2015

Dear Justyna,


thank you again for the organisation ! It was perfect!!! 


See you next time!

Sandro , 30. 10. 2015

Dear Barbora,


We would like to thank you for all your help! The weekend was great and we really enjoyed the limo tour and the shooting.


Thanks for all you trouble!


Aldert, 30. 10. 2015

Hi Barbora


I just wanted to say thank you for the excellent service and assistance you and your team provided for the duration of our stay in Prague.


We had a great time and all the guides and activities were excellent. We really appreciated that you could change the hotel aswell.




John, 23. 10. 2015

Hi Justyna,

You were an excellent host :) I will definitely be coming back over to visit again. Thank you !

Dean, 18. 10. 2015

Hi Barbora, 


Howard had an amazing stag weekend. You were a fantastic guide and you were extremely tuned into what makes a stag weekend work.


I will recommend, you in particular, to friends who want to go to Prague for a stag weekend.


Thanks again!




Daniel, 14. 10. 2015

Hi Girl


Everything was perfect, we had an awesome 3 days, thank you for your excellent hospitality.


Kind Regards


Angelo, 8. 10. 2015



Yeah we really enjoyed our day go karting and the boat. 


Thank you for helping to organise it all





Lawrence , 6. 10. 2015

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