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Rated 4.9/5 based on 1440+ customer reviews.

Prague specialist - since 1999. We are proud of more than 80 000 satisfied customers who traveled with our company!
93 % our guests would recommend us to a friend.



We all had a great weekend. Everything ran so smoothly. Cant pick fault with any of it. The guides you supplied were all absolutely amazing - all extremely nice and friendly.


Thanks again,


Jason, 5. 10. 2015

Hi Justina,

thank you for this. It was great night!

Simba, 3. 10. 2015

Thanks Barbora,


All went well and we had a great weekend.


Thanks for your help organizing! 



Kerry, 2. 10. 2015

Hi Barbora,


Everyone had a great time, your team did a awesome job! If we are ever to have another stag party in Prague we will be sure to go with you guys again! 


Thanks again



Connor, 1. 10. 2015

Hi Babora 


Hope you are well, yes thank you we had a great weekend in Prague and enjoyed the boat trip and show, you did a good job, Camilla our guide was fantastic as well so please thank her from us.


Thanks again and maybe you will hear from us again in the future!


Kind regards 


Aaron, 1. 10. 2015

Dear Barbora


Everything went very well. We had a very good time indeed…..So good that we may be coming back next year..


Thanks, and rainy+cold greetings from DK



Peter, 24. 9. 2015

Hi Barbora,


Hope you are well. Thank you for making our stag night one to remember, we had a great time and Dan was pleased with how it all went. We all hope to revisit prague again next year! Take care!


Many Thanks,


Joe, 22. 9. 2015

Hi Barbora,


Hope you had a great weekend. Just a quick message to say thank you for helping to organise the weekend - we all had a great time and was a stag weekend to remember, with hangovers to match!!! Please send a thank you from the whole group to the whole team.


All the best



David, 21. 9. 2015

Hi Barbora,


We had a fantastic time out in Prague, thanks very much to you and your entire team for all you help!


Greetings from rainy London!




Kunal, 16. 9. 2015

Thanks Barbora - it was a great weekend and very well organised.
Thanks for you help.


Alex, 16. 9. 2015

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